Gadget Grid: The Board Game -- On Kickstarter Now!
I love board games. I've been an avid board game lover my entire life. Recently a friend of mine and I have designed, drawn artwork for,...
A remix album even more epic than the albums it draws from. Out now from Canzona Records! Head over to the 'Music' page to listen now.......
Saturn's Rings as LP record!
I recently made a recording of what it would sound like if you played saturn's rings as one giant record. It's "out of this world". I...
The Cantor's Comb LPs Have Arrived!
After many months of nervously biting my finger and toe nails waiting for the boxes of records to arrive from Czech Republic, they...
It's been quite a journey, but we've made it, together. OUT NOW! The 5th studio release from ONTOLOGIST on Canzona Records! The 4th and...
Cantor's Comb: The Card Game
One of the perks of having the Kickstarter was being able to also make a card game that goes along with my music! About half of them went...
New Kickstarter! For a new Album!!!! Please contribute now!
It's been cooking all summer now, especially since we weren't allowed to get together to make other music. But it happened! A new...
Breath Visualizations with Musical Instruments
I was a little surprised that no one else had done this really up to this point. After I posted this I found a lot of material about...
Still Going Strong 2019! LIVE ONTO Video at Strategic Reserve Event!
Performing All Evening with these fantastic players! What an evening!
OUT NOW! Pauli's Dreams by ontologist
Full-length FOURTH album from ONTOLOGIST! This collection of groovy and saucy sonic delights studies the beauty of the physical world...