ONTOLOGIST performs localSTYLE at Northwestern
localSTYLE (Jay Alan Yim (sound) and Marlena Novak (light)) are featured at Northwestern University's Contemporary Music Ensemble Concert on February 1st, 2009 at 7:30 PM at NU's Pick-Staiger Hall, 50 Arts Circle, Evanston IL.
ONTOLOGIST performs the video for this unique performance experience!
More info about the concert can be found at:
Says localSTYLE:
Two tectonic plates — the North American (moving to the west) and the Eurasian (moving to the east) — form the Icelandic Rift; they are separating at the rate of approximately two millimeters annually.
The underlying theme of ~plicity is that of inexorable forces (such as social / political / psychological turbulence and plate tectonics) pulling people (and continents) apart, counterbalanced by a reciprocal yearning to pull together, build bridges across divides, and to strengthen community.
The title is an indication of the complex nature of these relationships and of the strategies for addressing them: implicit, explicit, complicit, duplicit, implication, duplication, replication, multiplicity, etcetera.
The musical and video scores are templates for contingency, presenting the performers with recurrent windows of opportunity to assess and reassess their relationships with each other, shift allegiances, and to map out a course through changing terrain.